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This is a great time to visit Tom McCall Nature Preserve! The <B>Columbia Gorge Lupine</B> <I>(Lupinus latifolius </I>var. <i>thompsonianii)</i> is in bloom, and although the <B>Northwest Balsamroot</B> <I>(Balsamorhiza deltoidea)</I> is slightly past peak at lower elevations, it still looks good (and is quite profuse). Also blooming profusely are: <B>Bicolored Cluster Lily</B> <I>(Brodiaea howellii)</I>, <B>Fiddleneck</B> <I>(Amsinckia sp.)</I>, and <B>Barestem Desert Parsley</B> <I>(Lomatium nudicaule)</I>. <P> As you climb the trail, you will see the following flowers in bloom: Upland Larkspur <I>(Delphinium nuttallianum)</I>, Gray's Desert Parsley <I>(Lomatium grayi)</I>, Harsh Paintbrush <I>(Castilleja hispida)</I>, Naked Broomrape <I>(Orobanche uniflora)</I>, Rough Wallflower <I>(Erysimum asperum)</I>, Miner's Lettuce <I>(Claytonia perfoliata)</I> and Chocolate Lily <I>(Fritillaria lanceolata)</I> under the trees, Popcorn-Flower <I>(Plagiobothrys sp.)</I>, Western Serviceberry <I>(Amelanchier alnifolia)</I>, Heartleaf Buckwheat <I>(Eriogonum compositum)</I>, Western Buttercup <I>(Ranunculus occidentalis)</I>, Small-flowered prairie-star <I>(Lithophragma parviflorum)</I>, American Vetch <I>(Vicia americana)</I>, Common Vetch <I>(Vicia sativa)</I>, Slender-fruited Desert Parsley <I>(Lomatium leptocarpum)</I>, Bigroot <I>(Marah oreganus)</I>, Ballhead Waterleaf <I>(Hydrophyllum capitatum </I>var. <I>capitatum)</I>, Small-flowered blue-eyed Mary <I>(Collinsia parviflora)</I>, Sticky blue-eyed Mary <I>(Collinsia rattanii)</I>, Western Groundsel <I>(Senecio integerrimus)</I>. I also saw a single occurrence of Striped Coralroot <I>(Corallorrhiza striata)</I>.

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