Zumwalt Prairie

AreaNortheastern Oregon
Best time to visitJune
Blooming NowNo
Elevation4510-5195 feet
Trail InfoVaries dependent upon trail
DogsPROHIBITED. Please respect this location by leaving your dog at home.

NOTE: The blue marker indicates the trailhead.


Zumwalt Prairie has been managed by The Nature Conservancy since 2000. It is one of North America's largest remaining grasslands, and home to remarkable numbers of hawks, eagles and other wildlife. Two at-risk plant species -- Indian ricegrass and Spalding's campion -- are found here.

A complete list of Zumwalt Prairie wildflowers, along with customary bloom times, can be found here.


From Enterprise take Highway 82 towards Joseph for approximately three miles. Turn left on Crow Creek Road. Proceed five miles, then turn right on Zumwalt/Buckhorn Road. After approximately 13 miles, you will find yourself at the junction of Zumwalt/Buckhorn and Duckett Roads. The three trails are accessible from that point as follows:

Horned Lark Trail: Stay on Zumwalt/Buckhorn Road for another 3.1 miles. The trailhead is on the left (west) side of the road and is marked with a preserve and trail sign. Make your way over the fence and travel down the trail for a view of Pine Creek and the Findley Buttes.

Wildrye Trail: Turn right on Duckett Road and go 0.5 miles. Park at the "Main Gate" sign, and please do not block the gate. The trailhead is marked with a preserve and trail sign. The Wildrye trail leads visitors by various study areas.

Harsin Butte Scramble: Turn right on Duckett Road and go 3.1 miles (past an old barn on your right) until you reach a junction. At the junction, take a right and proceed 0.25 miles. There will be a sign marking the access point's parking pullout. There is no defined trail; just make your way up Harsin Butte for a spectacular view.

Saddle Butte: This 0.75 mile trail is located upon the new land addition. It takes you to the top of Saddle Butte (part of Findley Buttes) with views of the Wallowa Mountains and surrounding area. Proceed 0.5 mile north on Zumwalt Road. Park near the galvanized bent-up locked gate on the left (west) side of the road.

Trip Reports

DateSubmitted by
Reports from previous years
05/27/2024Greg Lief
06/16/2010Greg Lief
05/29/2007Rory Nichols
05/26/2007Rory Nichols

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