John B. Yeon State Park

AreaColumbia Gorge (west - OR)
(Mount Hood National Forest)
Best time to visitEarly April through May
Blooming NowYES
Elevation125-540 feet
Trail Info1.4 miles round-trip and 200 foot elevation gain to Elowah Falls
2.0 miles round-trip and 400 foot elevation gain to Upper McCord Creek Falls
 Hike information - Oregon Hikers Field Guide

NOTE: The blue marker indicates the trailhead.


John B. Yeon State Park contains two terrific waterfalls: Elowah Falls and Upper McCord Creek Falls. It is also a wonderful place to see a fine variety of spring wildflowers, including several uncommon species such as White Shooting Star (Dodecatheon dentatum), Cliff Paintbrush (Castilleja rupicola), Cliff Penstemon (Penstemon rupicola), and three endemics... Columbia Kittentails (Synthyris missurica ssp. stellata), Columbia Gorge Fleabane (Erigon oreganus), and Howell's Daisy (Erigeron howellii).

NOTE: In order to maximize your wildflower viewing experience, I HIGHLY encourage you to make the extra climb to Upper McCord Creek Falls. The trail is well-graded, and there are many species which can only be seen blooming on the cliffs at the higher portion of the trail.


From Portland, take Interstate 84 east to Exit 35 (Dodson). Turn left at the stop sign, then immediately turn right onto the frontage Road. Drive east on the frontage road 2.1 miles and turn right into the trailhead parking lot, which is just before the frontage road re-enters the freeway.

If you are approaching from the east, take Exit 37 (Warrendale). Drive west on Warrendale Road for 0.25 mile to a stop sign. Turn left, pass under the freeway and turn left again onto Frontage Road. Drive 0.25 east to the trailhead parking lot.

CAVEAT: Do not leave valuables in your car!

Trip Reports

DateSubmitted by
Reports from previous years
05/08/2024Greg Lief
04/30/2024Greg Lief
06/09/2023Greg Lief
06/08/2023Greg Lief
05/19/2023Greg Lief
04/22/2023Greg Lief
05/21/2016Greg Lief
04/24/2016Greg Lief
03/26/2016Greg Lief
05/25/2015Jeff Barker
03/21/2015Deryl Yunck
05/16/2009Angie Moore
05/20/2008Angie Moore
04/29/2007Don Jacobson

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Elowah Falls, John B. Yeon State Park

Upper McCord Creek Falls, John B. Yeon State Park

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'Wildflowers don`t care where they grow.' -- Dolly Parton