Jefferson Park

AreaOregon Cascades - Central
(Mount Jefferson Wilderness)
Best time to visitLate July through early August
Blooming NowNo
Elevation5800-5900 feet
Trail Info11.6 miles round-trip, 1800 feet elevation gain (to Russell Lake via the Whitewater Trail)
 Hike information - Oregon Hikers Field Guide
DogsAllowed, but must be kept on leash AT ALL TIMES.
 Northwest Forest Pass required!

NOTE: The blue marker indicates the trailhead.


Jefferson Park is your author's favorite hike in the state of Oregon. The meadows are awash in wildflowers between late July and late August, the five lakes are gorgeous, and Mount Jefferson is RIGHT THERE! However, it is a long day hike. You may want to consider making this an overnight backpack. It can be busy on summer weekends, so either arrive early to secure a campsite (camping is only approved at designated sites) or plan to visit on a weekday.


Take Highway 22 east from Salem (or west from the Santiam Pass). Between mileposts 60 and 61, turn east onto "good" gravel Whitewater Road (Road 2243). Continue 7.4 miles until the road ends at the Whitewater trailhead parking area. Do not leave anything valuable in your car.

Trip Reports

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07/22/2015Jim Sellers

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Photo Gallery

Jefferson Park at Russell Lake

Mount Jefferson reflected in a tarn at Jefferson Park

A wildflower meadow at Jefferson Park

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'Wildflowers are not meant to be cut and tamed. They are meant to be loved and admired.' -- Anthony T. Hincks