Lyle Cherry Orchard

AreaColumbia Gorge (east - WA)
Best time to visitMarch and April
Blooming NowYES
Elevation190-1100 feet
Trail Info6 miles round-trip, 1400 foot elevation gain
 Hike information - Oregon Hikers Field Guide
 Hike information - Washington Trails Association
DogsAllowed, but must be kept on leash AT ALL TIMES.

NOTE: The blue marker indicates the trailhead.


Nancy Russell, Friends of the Columbia Gorge founder, purchased this 400-acre area and created this trail. It's a great place to witness the first Spring wildflower bloom.

Start by walking to the far (east) end of the parking area, where the trail starts uphill through the oak forest for 0.2 mile to the first plateau. Take a moment to admire the view, but keep climbing because the Gorge views get better the higher you go! In March, the meadows here are covered with Grass Widows (Olsynium douglasii) and Yellow Bells (Fritillaria pudica). By April, those give way to Panicled Death-Camas (Zigadenus paniculatus), Poet's Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon poeticum), and Upland Larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum).

After climbing to a second plateau, you will see a trail leading to the east. This continues two miles to a turnaround area with several old cherry trees, for which the trail is named. From here you will have a terrific view of the eastern Columbia Gorge.


Take Interstate 84 east to Hood River. Take exit 64 and drive north across the Hood River Bridge ($2 toll for passenger cars). Turn right onto Washington SR-14, and drive east for 12 miles through the town of Lyle. Less than one mile beyond Lyle, you will pass through two tunnels. Watch for the parking pullout on the left (north) side of the highway 0.3 mile after the tunnels.

Trip Reports

DateSubmitted by
Reports from previous years
04/07/2024Greg Lief
04/07/2024Greg Lief
03/20/2024Greg Lief
04/15/2023Greg Lief
03/19/2023Harvey Simmons
04/11/2021Greg Lief
03/26/2021Greg Lief
03/21/2021Greg Lief
03/08/2021Greg Lief
04/14/2019Greg Lief
04/09/2017Greg Lief
03/26/2016Greg Lief
02/25/2016Greg Lief
04/04/2015Ann Reece
05/18/2013Greg Lief
04/02/2013Greg Lief
02/20/2013Marianne Nelson
04/07/2012Greg Lief
04/18/2010Greg Lief
04/12/2008Greg Lief
03/22/2008Greg Lief
04/08/2007Greg Lief
03/25/2007Greg Lief
03/11/2007Greg Lief

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Facing west from above Lyle Cherry Orchard

Facing east from above Lyle Cherry Orchard

Facing west from above Lyle Cherry Orchard

Panicled Death-Camas at Lyle Cherry Orchard

Panicled Death-Camas at Lyle Cherry Orchard

Facing east from Lyle Cherry Orchard trail

Panicled Death-Camas at Lyle Cherry Orchard

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'I hold no preference among flowers, so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous.' -- Edward Abbey