OregonWildflowers Locations Columbia Hills / The Dalles Mountain Ranch |
Area | Columbia Gorge (east - WA) |
Best time to visit | April |
Blooming Now | YES |
Elevation | 100-3200 feet |
Trail Info | 6.5 miles round-trip, 1000 feet elevation gain (Crawford Oaks lower loop) 5.0 miles round-trip, 1180 feet elevation gain from upper gate to Stacker Butte |
Hike information - Oregon Hikers Field Guide | |
Hike information - Washington Trails Association | |
Dogs | PROHIBITED. Please respect this location by leaving your dog at home. |
Washington State Discover Pass required! |
In addition to the profusion of lupine and balsamroot, there are three rare species located in this area: The Dalles Mountain Buttercup (Ranunculus triternatus); Douglas' draba (Cusickiella douglasii), and Hot-Rock Penstemon (Penstemon deustus).
The lower (Crawford Oaks) hiking loop is dominated by Balsamroot and Lupine. Other wildflowers that bloom along that loop include: Barestem Desert Parsley (Lomatium nudicaule), Suksdorf`s Desert Parsley (Lomatium suksdorfii), Pungent desert parsley (Lomatium grayi), Rigid Fiddleneck (Amsinckia retrorsa), Fleabane (Erigeron sp.), Weak stem cryptantha (Cryptantha flaccida), Ballhead waterleaf (Hydrophyllum capitatum var. thompsonii), Big-head clover (Trifolium macrocephalum), small-flowered blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora), Bicolor Triteleia (Triteleia grandiflora var. howellii), Smooth Prairie Star (Lithophragma glabrum), Showy Phlox (Phlox speciosa), Spreading Phlox (Phlox diffusa), Gold Star (Crocidium multicaule), and Northwestern Saxifrage (Saxifraga integrifolia). Grass Widows (Olsynium douglasii) and Yellow Bells (Fritillaria pudica) bloom earlier in the season (first half of March).
Turn right onto Washington SR-14. You now have several options:
1. For the new lower (Crawford Oaks) loop, you can use either the upper or lower trailhead:
2. For the upper area (Stacker Butte Road), drive east approximately one mile, then turn left onto The Dalles Mountain Road at the sign for Columbia Hills State Park. After turning left, continue straight on gravel Dalles Mountain Road. Drive on the gravel road for 2.7 miles from SR-14, where you will see a sign marking the boundary of Columbia Hills State Park. In another 0.6 mile, you will come to an abrupt junction with several barns and other buildings ahead of you. Turn left up the steep hill, and continue for 1.4 miles to the locked gate and kiosk. There is room for 4-5 cars. (If this parking area is full, backtrack to the overflow parking area on the west side of the gravel road, slightly uphill from the ranch, then walk up the road.) Park here, and walk as far up the hill as you like (all the way to Stacker Butte if your time and energy permits), gawking at the flowers every step of the way. Please stay on the road. There are NO facilities here.
Date | Submitted by |
Reports from previous years | |
04/13/2024 | Greg Lief |
04/13/2024 | Greg Lief |
04/06/2024 | Greg Lief |
04/03/2024 | Greg Lief |
04/02/2024 | Greg Lief |
03/30/2024 | Greg Lief |
05/11/2023 | Greg Lief |
05/05/2023 | Greg Lief |
04/24/2023 | Greg Lief |
04/13/2023 | Greg Lief |
04/21/2022 | Becky Chinn |
04/12/2021 | Greg Lief |
04/08/2021 | Greg Lief |
03/26/2021 | Greg Lief |
05/04/2019 | Greg Lief |
04/20/2019 | Greg Lief |
05/07/2017 | Zachary |
05/02/2017 | Steve Luther |
04/16/2017 | Greg Lief |
04/10/2017 | Greg Lief |
02/26/2017 | Greg Lief |
04/15/2016 | Bridget Buckley |
04/06/2016 | Greg Lief |
04/02/2016 | Greg Lief |
03/12/2016 | Greg Lief |
04/04/2015 | Greg Lief |
04/03/2015 | Steve Luther |
03/29/2015 | Greg Lief |
03/14/2015 | Greg Lief |
05/31/2014 | Ron Boatwright |
04/19/2014 | Greg Lief |
04/11/2014 | Greg Lief |
05/05/2013 | Greg Lief |
05/06/2012 | Greg Lief |
04/22/2012 | Greg Lief |
05/13/2011 | Cheryl Hill |
04/23/2011 | Greg Lief |
04/17/2011 | Darlisa Black |
05/02/2010 | Greg Lief |
05/01/2009 | Greg Lief |
04/19/2009 | Greg Lief |
05/09/2008 | Greg Lief |
04/26/2008 | Greg Lief |
04/13/2008 | Greg Lief |
04/20/2007 | Cheryl Hill |
04/08/2007 | Greg Lief |
03/25/2007 | Greg Lief |
03/11/2007 | Greg Lief |
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